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After-School Coding and 3D Printing

3D Printing

Kids grades 5-8 explore the world of 3-D modeling and printing, including inventions, art, and toys with engineering and CAD design.


Coding, with many applications including robotics, is rapidly revolutionizing the fields of technology, medicine, education, and more! Boys and girls in grades 4 – 8 are invited to join us after school to experiment with and learn these cutting-edge skills.

Boys Beginners* – Zoom: Learn coding basics with CodeCombat and Ozaria – an interactive and fun-filled coding adventure game.
Boys Intermediate/Advanced: Dive deeper into coding with Java and
master coding fundamentals while creating your own animations and games.
Girls Beginners: Explore the basics of Java coding with graphics, games, and animation.
Girls Intermediate/Advanced: Sharpen your Java coding skills to create and customize fun, interactive programs.
*Talented beginners may be eligible for intermediate level with recommendation.

SPRING DATES: March 3 – May 22
Classes meet March 3-27 &  April 27-May 22. No class on March 13 for Taanis Esther and May 15 for Lag B’Omer.

WINTER DATES: Dec 9 – Feb 20
(No classes Dec 23 – Jan 2 for Chanukah break ; no classes Jan 26 – Feb 2 for winter break)

Girls Coding Intermediate/Advanced* Tues & Thurs 4:45-5:45 pm
Boys Coding Beginners (Zoom) Tues & Thurs  4:45-5:45 pm
Boys Coding Intermediate/Advanced* Tues & Thurs 6:00-7:00 pm
Girls 3D Printing Beginner Mon & Wed 4:45 – 5:45 pm
Girls 3D Printing Intermediate/Advanced* Tues & Thurs 4:45-5:45 pm
Boys 3D Printing Beginner Tues & Thurs 6:00-7:00 pm
Boys 3D Printing Intermediate/Advanced Mon & Wed 6:00-7:00 pm

*Beginners may be eligible for intermediate level with instructor recommendation.


$180 for 8 weeks twice per week, siblings join for $135. $20 late registration fee applies if registering after February 2. Need-based scholarships are available upon request. Students are welcome to try the first class at no charge.

Programs are included for Walder Science members. Visit our membership page for details.


Transportation option is now available! $80 per student for 8 weeks, twice per week.

Sign Up

Pre-registration is required so that we can be prepared with staff and supplies for the right amount of students. For more information, please email us at programs@walderlab.org or give us a call at 773-649-5360.

Students are able to try out the first class of the season at no charge. However, we are not able to hold space for unpaid students if the class reaches capacity with fully registered students. Contact us with any questions.