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Jerusalem Science Contest

Jerusalem Science Contest 2024-2025: Nanotechnology

The Jerusalem Science Contest is an international competition for 11th and 12th grade Jewish high school students, interested in learning a cutting-edge science topic and its Judaic relevance. Participants study selected readings and video lectures, and compete through a series of 8 exams and a research project, with the opportunity to win prize money, a college scholarship, or even a trip to Israel! Participants completing all requirements will receive a certificate of completion to receive credit at accepting institutions. Click here to see the list of 2023-2024 contest winners and their project titles for the theme of Neuroscience.

How do I participate?


To participate in the 2024-25 contest, click the button to register.


You will need a contest proctor (that we approve) that will be able to administer your exams (with academic integrity), and send the results back to us promptly.  Many schools that have participated in the past already have a designated proctor.  A proctor is typically a science teacher, or other school employee, and we are happy to help you find one if necessary.  Proctors are paid for their time.  New proctors will receive a call from us for approval. Any proctors for the 2024-25 contest must fill out a proctor contact information form by clicking here.


The registration fee for the contest is $75. However, participants are welcome to take the first exam at no cost as a trial. The registration fee must be paid in full before taking the second exam and continuing in the contest. Please pay during registration.


Once you have registered and  found a proctor you are all set. The schedule of readings, video lectures, and the project is available below, along with all other necessary details. Exam 1 covers both lecture 1s (science and Judaic) and the posted readings for those lectures. The science textbook for this year is TBA.


Video Lectures Made Live 9/5/2024
Sign Up Deadline 9/23/2024
Exam 1** 9/23/2024
Late Registration Deadline* 10/31/2024
Registration Fee Due 11/4/2024
Exam 2 11/4/2024
Exam 3 11/18/2024
Exam 4 12/2/2024

*Participants signing up late will be charged a $25 late registration fee. Additionally, any participants who miss Exam 1 must make sure that they can complete the “late alternate version” of Exam 1 before the week that Exam 2 is administered.

** We modify the schedule of the exams slightly if necessary to allow participants for whom the contest falls right in the middle of the summer holidays complete the contest.

Project Topic Due 12/9/2024
Exam 5 12/9/2024
Exam 6 12/16/2024
Exam 7 1/6/2025
Research Project Due 1/27/2025
Comprehensive Exam 2/10/2025
Culminating Program in Chicago 3/24/2025 – boys
3/26/2025 – girls
Contest Procedures

  • Participants must check their email frequently for relevant and timely contest communications from jsc@walderlab.org (make sure this address doesn’t go to spam). Any updates in scheduling or contest procedures will be emailed out, and participants will be immediately responsible to adhere to them. If a participant lacks email access, they can let us know well in advance and we will be happy to make other arrangements.
  •  The registration fee must be paid by no later than Monday, November 6, 2023. Anyone is welcome to try out this contest (including the first set of readings, the first video, and the first test) before this date free of charge. If the payment is not made by this date, the participant will be dropped from the contest. If a participant decides to not continue in the program after this point, the registration cannot be refunded.
  •  Before taking each test, participants will need to read the selected readings from the syllabus, watch two video lectures (Science and Judaic), and then be tested on them. Exam 1 covers both lecture 1s (science and Judaic) and the posted readings for those lectures. The video lectures will be available on our website for participants to access, and can be mailed as a DVD to those who lack internet access (let us know well in advance if a DVD is preferred). Participants will be scored on a total of 7 tests, a comprehensive final exam, and a research project. A local proctor must administer each participant’s tests.
  •  Each test will count for 20 points, the comprehensive exam for 40 points, and the research project for 40 points. Each contestant will therefore earn up to 220 points, and the final point values will decide the standings of the winners.
  •  Participants must purchase/download the selected texts well before the contest begins so that they can complete their readings.
  •  It is vital not to wait until the last minute to complete any contest components (readings, videos, tests, and research). We make the materials available in advance so that participants can pace themselves and not get overwhelmed.
  •  All students who completes the contest with all its requirements receives a certificate and a letter of completion, which can be highlighted on a resume or a college application.

Judaic Component to the Contest
The Judaic video lectures will train JSC participants to analyze nanotechnology through a lens of Jewish values.  In addition to information-filled Judaic video lectures focused on nanotechnology, the participant will be mentored in the Judaic research skills employed by the lecturer. The participant will learn a step-by-step procedure useful in methodically searching for, evaluating, interpreting and presenting the Jewish issues present in science topics.  The participants will use the skills learned through the contest’s Judaic section in formulating their final Science-Judaic research project.
Testing Procedures

  • Each test consists of 20 questions (15 Science and 5 Judaic).
  •  Participants have up to 1 hour to complete each exam.
  •  No notes, books, computers, internet, phones, calculators (except for a basic scientific calculator like the TI-30 that has no input memory for notes), or any other resource will be allowed while taking the test. Only the test itself, a writing utensil, and scrap paper will be allowed.
  •  Participants must return the test and answer sheet to the proctor after each exam.
  •  The participants must take the exam within the week (no later than Friday) of the assigned test date. For example, the first test will be given to proctors on Monday, 9/23/24, and the completed answer sheets must be submitted to us by the proctors no later than Friday, 9/27/24. If there are extenuating circumstances, like a school break, that prevent the test from being taken that week, participants must contact us at jsc@walderlab.org to request an extension at least two weeks in advance (another test will have to be made).
  •  As soon as all copies of an individual test (for example, test #1) have been received and graded, the test versions along with their answers will be released and posted on our website or emailed out to participants to help review for the comprehensive exam.
  •  Students are not permitted to speak about exam questions with anyone (especially other contest participants and any proctors) until the exams have been released.
  •  Test questions can only be contested by email within one week from when the exam was released. In the rare event that there was an error in one of the questions, then the question will be regraded on each participant’s exam, and anyone that had the actual correct answer will be given the points for that question, however, points will not be subtracted from those who “had it correct” the first time. If there is a major flaw in one of the questions such that it must be scrapped, then each participant will receive the points for that question.
  •  The comprehensive final exam will cover material from all the readings and video lectures.
  •  A participant can be disqualified/dropped from the contest or given a score of zero on a test if any of these rules/guidelines (above or below) are not adhered to properly, if there is a lack of honesty/academic integrity, or for any reason we deem appropriate.

The Research Project
For the research project, each participant will choose a topic related to Nanotechnology, and develop a hypothesis, appropriate arguments, and evidence to support and/or reject their hypothesis.  The topic must be submitted and approved by email no later than 12/9/2024. The topic itself must be researched, and put together in the form of an essay, a slideshow, or a video presentation. The research project will be graded by two to four professional evaluators, and the mean value will determine a participant’s final score.

In order to be accepted, each project must be the participant’s original work – their own thoughts and words. Plagiarism and AI generated content is not allowed. Any outside sources can be briefly quoted with proper citation, but the majority of the project must be the participant‘s original work.


  •  Any proctor for the 2023-24 contest must fill out the following proctor information form in advance: Proctor Form 
  • Any new proctors will be contacted by our staff for approval.
  •  Each proctor must be over eighteen years of age and unrelated to any of the students taking the Jerusalem Science Contest exams that they are proctoring.
  •  Proctors may not delegate test administration nor any other proctor responsibility to another person.
  •  If a proctor, school official or participant finds it necessary to add additional proctoring staff, they may not hire the additional staff themselves. Rather, the anticipated new proctor must fill out the information form and the Walder Science Center will contact them for approval.
  •  The Walder Science Center reserves the right of prior approval for the number of anticipated administrations at the participants’ schools.
  •  For each testing week, the proctor will receive the test and a multiple choice answer sheet by email. They will be required to print out a paper copy of each and administer the test to participants with full academic integrity by the end of the week.
  •  Proctors must arrange a time that works for students to take each exam, and if there are multiple students at the same school, they should take the exam at the same time to prevent cheating and dishonesty.
  •  Unless there are extenuating circumstances, which should be clarified with the Jerusalem Science Contest administration, there should only be one proctor per school.
  •  Proctors should collect all the exams and answer keys from the students at the completion of each testing session.
  •  Proctors must then scan and email the filled in multiple choice answer sheets promptly to jsc@walderlab.org or fax them to 866-449-7038.
  •  Proctors must ensure that participants do not use any notes, books, computers, internet, phones, calculators (except for a basic scientific calculator like the TI-30 that has no input memory for notes), or any other resource besides the test itself, a writing utensil, and scrap paper. (Closed book testing conditions.) Also, participants are not allowed to talk with others while taking the exam, or to communicate information about the test during the exam or to someone who hasn’t taken it yet. Participants cannot share calculators with other participants during the test. The proctor is not allowed to assist participants during the exams or to help participants prepare for the exam once the proctor has seen the exam. Proctors must also space participants (taking an exam simultaneously) adequately to prevent cheating. Adjacent students must be given different test versions.
  •  If the proctor sees any such misconduct, or any other lack of honesty by participants during the test, or any other form of cheating, they must inform us immediately and the participant will receive a zero on that exam.
  •  Proctors will be paid for their time after the conclusion of the contest, for every test that is proctored and received by us promptly via email.
  •  Proctors must affirm the identities of students taking the exams at each testing session.
  •  Proctors are not considered agents of the Foundation for Learning Development or the Walder Science Center.

Lecturer Bios
We are excited and privileged to have Professor Oded Shoseyov as our Science Lecturer and subject matter expert in nanotechnology for the 2024-2025 Jerusalem Science Contest. A faculty member at the Harvey M. Krueger Family Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Professor Shoseyov is a pioneer in the field of nanobiotechnology. Using plant molecular biology and protein engineering techniques, his research focuses on bio-inspired, super-performing nanomaterials that are revolutionizing the fields of regenerative medicine and the food packaging industry, among others. He has authored more than 200 scientific publications, is the inventor or co-inventor of over 100 patents, and he is the scientific founder of multiple companies which include CollPlant, a regenerative medicine company, and Melodea Bio Based Solutions, a sustainable packaging company.

Science Lectures and Readings

Science Lecture 1:

Introduction to Nanotechnology

Click here to view the optional science reading assignments.
Presentation 1
Answer Key

Science Lecture 2:

Introduction to Nanofabrication

Click here to view the optional science reading assignments.
Presentation 2.
Answer Key

Science Lecture 3:

Introduction to Nanocharacterization

Click here to view the optional science reading assignments.
Answer Key

Science Lecture 4:

Applications of Nanotechnology

Click here to view the optional science reading assignments.
Answer Key

Science Lecture 5:

Click here to view the optional science reading assignments.
Presentation 5

Science Lecture 6:

Click here to view the optional science reading assignments.
Presentation 6

Science Lecture 7:

Click  here to view the science reading assignment.

Research Project


Click here for JSC Research Project Rubric
Click here for JSC Research Project Guide

Judaic Lectures and Readings

Judaic Lecture 1:

Click here for the Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.

Judaic Lecture 2:

Click here for the Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.

Judaic Lecture 3:

Click here for the Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.

Judaic Lecture 4:

Click here for the Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.

Judaic Lecture 5:

Click here for Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.

Judaic Lecture 6

Click here for the Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.

Judaic Lecture 7:

Click here for the Source Sheet and Reading Assignment.


(prizes are subject to change based on funding)

The 1st place finalist receives a $1,000 cash prize and a 4-Year JCT Lev Academic Center Tuition Scholarship. The 2nd place finalist receives a $700 cash prize. All other contestants may receive prize money based on their final score according to the list below.

The 5 top male finalists and the top 5 female finalists may win a trip to Israel.  The 1st and 2nd place winners may receive BOTH the Israel trip AND their cash prize discussed above. Other participants who are offered to and chose to go on the Israel trip will not receive any prize money; the trip will be their only prize.  Trip winners may opt to pass up the trip and receive instead their cash prize according to the table below. In the event of a tie for first or second place, the prize money for that place will be split evenly, and the next finisher will skip to the next place (in other words, for example, if two contestants tie for 1st place, the next finisher will be considered in 3rd place, NOT 2nd).

For 215-220 total points, the gross prize will be $400.
For 208-214 total points, the gross prize will be $350.
For 199-207 total points, the gross prize will be $300.
For 190-198 total points, the gross prize will be $250.
For 181-189 total points, the gross prize will be $200.
For 168-180 total points, the gross prize will be $150.
For 151-167 total points, the gross prize will be $100.
For 130-150 total points, the gross prize will be $50.

To be eligible to win the Israel trip, a participant must be currently enrolled in and in good standing with their school, and no school official or family member should have any concerns about the participant going on the trip.  If there are any such concerns, the participant may not go on the trip.  The amount of trip winners is subject to change, and we reserve the right to deny any participant the trip or prize money.

School Stipends

Schools are eligible to receive $40 toward science equipment for every student who scores a point value above the contest average. For example, if the average total score at the end of the contest is 155 points, Walder Science can order $40 worth of desired science supplies for the school per each student earning a total of 155 points or higher.

Finalist Requirements

The top 5 male and top 5 female finalists will be invited to present their research at our annual Culminating Program in Chicago on March 17 (boys) and March 18 (girls).  Each presentation must be 5 minutes long, and rehearsed with a proctor in advance.  Additionally, each finalist will prepare a poster that we will print and display during the event, detailing their research, according to a template that we will provide.  Additional information will be provided directly to the finalists.

The Jerusalem Science Contest is a collaborative project between the Walder Science Center and the JCT Lev Academic Center - Mechon Lev.


View Scores

ID# Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6
104 16 14 12 12 13 11
108 18 20 15 17 19
117 16 20 16 19 18 16
123 19 17 16 19 17 19
131 17 17 12 18 13
138 17 14 12 15 11
147 17 18 9 14 16 10
149 17 17 13 14 15 14
150 18 16 15 18 17 18
152 18 18 13 19 15 16
155 16 17 8 16 17 15
163 18 14 11 17 13 14
183 18 18 18 18 11
189 15 15 4 13 4
192 16 18 18 17 18 19
194 18 17 17 14
207 17 16 12 17
213 17 15 14 19 15 17
231 15 16 6 16 9 8
244 19 16 11 16 5 17
252 17 19 14 13 9 18
253 18 16 12 17 14 16
257 18 19 15 8 6 11
261 16 20 15 13 9 18
268 20 19 19 18 18 19
269 20 20 20 19 19 19
272 18 18 19 18 18 20
273 19 16 20 17 18
275 18 16 15 13 10
277 15 16 12 16 13 13
280 16 15 9 15 15
282 18 17 17 18 17 17
287 14 8 12 13
294 19 19 16 19 16 16
298 19 19 12 17 15 15
300 17 20 14 15 14 16
305 14 15 9 14 9
315 16 18 18 19 17 19
334 16 15 10 17 12 14
345 15 12 14 17 13 13
369 15 18 6 17 14 15
391 16 18 11 16 14 16
401 15 15 5 18 14 13
402 15 14 14 14 13 13
417 16 18 7 16 14 15
445 16 15 10 15 12 13
450 15 14 13 18 9 11
453 17 15 13 16 11 16
466 17 17 14 16 15 14
473 17 16 9 8 12
482 12 14 9 9
489 16 14 15 13 9 16
495 19 17 13 19 15 18
506 17 18 17 17 17 19
507 18 19 17 14 16 17
511 18 18 12 19 12 15
515 18 19 15 18 17 17
525 15 17 12 17 15 18
530 15 16 9 15 15 14
532 16 18 17 13
534 17 17 18 17 18 18
599 13 13 15 12 6 10
600 18 18 19 17 18 19
609 17 12 10 14 11
617 12 15 12 12 13 10
620 16 14 10 9 11 15
625 19 14 11 16 9 11
648 16 15 11 15 15 15
651 17 16 17 18 17 16
657 17 17 19 17 18 17
661 16 16 14 15 14 17
677 18 18 12 15 16
683 16 12 9 18 12
692 14 17 12 17 17 15
694 16 16 10 13 15 19
695 14 18 13 14 14 17
701 16 16 10 11 9 12
706 17 16 16 18 16 18
717 15 12 9 14 17 16
721 18 19 16 18 17 16
722 15 15 15 11 8 12
730 17 14 12 13 10 9
740 14 12 8 13 11
755 14 11 11 9
761 15 17 13 17 9 16
777 15 15 11 11 13 13